Coffee and Rum Whole Roast Chicken

Yeah you read that right, incase you were double checking.. Coffee!! and Rum!! in Chicken??!! oh yesss.. thats definitely a knock you right off your butt recipe there. You’ll be surprised how well the coffee and rum come together to give this beautiful flavor to the chicken which is evenly balanced with some fresh orangeContinue reading “Coffee and Rum Whole Roast Chicken”

Roasted Bell Peppers Stuffed with Bacon, Chicken and Cheese

This is one of my experimental dishes which I just happened to pull a Dr. Frankenstein on. Firstly I apologize for the basic photography as I was waay to hungry to eat this and just randomly clicked in a hurry :p The inspiration for this dish came from my mom actually who makes these roastedContinue reading “Roasted Bell Peppers Stuffed with Bacon, Chicken and Cheese”

Walnut and Raisins Banana Bread

“Happiness is the smell of freshly baked bread” ~ Secret Gourmet We often wonder what to do when we buy too many bananas and then once we are fed up of eating them, they just lie there on the shelf, ripening away, till you don’t feel like eating it anymore. Well, the solution is simple,Continue reading “Walnut and Raisins Banana Bread”

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